Synopsis: Stories of an unnamed city several months after a zombie uprising. This city has survived to some degree by extensive quarantines and luck, along with the enterprising spirit of many of the inhabitants. The rest of the surrounding areas appear (at least at first) not to be as fortunate. Barriers encircling the city keep the hordes at bay...for now.
Rules for stories:
1) Try to keep any continuity going by reading other people's stories and not messing with stuff that they've written. If you use a part of the city, character, event, or anything else that someone else has used first, keep it in the continuum of the world we are creating. - Also, try not to use someone else's main characters from their stories as the main characters for yours, the can be ancillary, but we want fresh faces, not reused ones. - And try not to re-use your own main characters too much, you've got free reign over this but I want to cultivate a city atmosphere for this, which means there are a lot of personalities to choose from.
2) Recommended length for stories is 5-10 pages, but if you want to go shorter or longer feel free.
3) Do not do anything that would massively effect the city (i.e. blowing up a few city blocks, killing off a couple hundred people, letting zombies flood in somewhere) without asking everyone else first. I'm not saying this type of stuff can't happen, but if you want to do something big with the city we'll have a vote on it and if you get a majority to agree, you can go ahead.
4) Any questions just ask. And if you have any ideas for rules let me know, I can always edit this post to add or change things around.
Monday, June 1, 2009
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