Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Shroudsburg

It was the last days of man. The plague that was undeath swept through what had been an infallible civilization. The devastation was total and undeniable. Yet, in its darkest time, humanity refused to go quietly into oblivion. Those days showed the best that we had to offer: selflessness and sacrifice, people of all creeds bonded against unimaginable odds. It was enough to bring tears to the most jaded among us. This isn’t that story.

New Shroudsburg: once the proud gateway to the big city. If asked what New Shroudsburg had meant to them, each former resident would have given a different opinion. There was no general consensus to what the city was, but perhaps that is the most accurate description. New Shroudsburg was a town that struggled for its identity. It was a young town, constantly shaped by the demands of the current climate. And even though it was a city by any definition, it was forever overshadowed by the grand metropolis that was its neighbor.

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