Thursday, July 29, 2010

Author Bio: J. Ian Manczur in his own words

J. Ian Manczur is a hack, a fraud and a general malefic ne'er-do-well. In a desperate attempt to avoid the self important albeit frivolous nature of the blogging community, Ian has achieved a level of pretentiousness and self-afflicted alienation perhaps only rivaled by Orson Welles. One need look no further than his name, which he prefaces with an initial. What a douche.

Ian got his start when he was little, telling stories to his friends about the disappearance of local residents, his next door neighbor's murderous obsession and a wood shed full of dismembered bodies. It was only later in life that he realized that making public accusations of the homicidal tendencies of friends and neighbors led to ostracism and belittlement. Since then, Ian has turned his eye for wickedness on himself as well as attempting to write intriguing and well-crafted stories. A task that he is failing at.

Anyway, for those who are still interested in reading his work, check out his blog, A Smoothed Cube.

J. Ian's LAD Stories:
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Volume 3:
Volume 4:
Volume 5:
Volume 6:

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